Understanding the Time Value of Money

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 5.2 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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This course will teach you how to describe the concept of present value and future value (“time value of money”) and why it is critical for a proper understanding of capital markets.  

  • This course is only suitable for desktop use.

Course Outline

Describe the concept of present value and future value ("time value of money") and why it is critical for a proper understanding of capital markets.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: Interest Calculations

  • Simple Calculations
  • Compound Interest
  • Payment & Compounding Frequency

Topic 2: Day Count Conventions

  • Money Market Basis
  • Bond Basis
  • Day Count Conventions & Compounding Frequencies

Topic 3: Interest Calculations - Scenario

  • Simple Calculations
  • Compound Interest
  • Payment & Compounding Frequency 

Topic 4: Present Value & Future Value

  • Present Value
  • Future Value

Topic 5: Annuities & Perpetuities

  • Annuities
  • Perpetuities 

Topic 6: Time Value of Money - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 7: Time Value of Money - Scenario

  • Scenario

Topic 8: NPV & IRR

  • Net Present Value (NPV)
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Topic 9: NPV & IRR - Scenario

  • Scenario

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