
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 6 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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In this course, you will learn about the increasingly sophisticated payments ecosystem that has developed against the back drop of today’s exciting and complex payments marketplace.

  • This course is suitable for desktop and mobile use.

Course Outline

A powerful combination of new technology and enabling regulation has led to an influx of FinTech and PayTech competitors into the consumer/retail banking sector. This has resulted in an increasingly sophisticated payments ecosystem, and an exciting but more complex payments marketplace has emerged.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: An Introduction

  • Brief History of Money & Payments
  • Payments Systems & Networks
  • Key Regulatory Drivers
  • Payments Media
  • Payments Ecosystem

Topic 2: PSD2 & Open Banking

  • PSD2 Overview
  • Third Parties, PISPs, & AISPs
  • Data Protection
  • Communication & Authentication
  • Open Banking & New Business Models
  • Other Impacts of PSD2

Topic 3: Payments Systems

  • Payments Systems
  • Payments Messaging
  • Types of Payment
  • Fast Payments

Topic 4: Digital Money & Mobile Payments

  • Means of Payment
  • Central Bank Money
  • E-Money
  • Other Means of Payment
  • Mobile Payments & Wallets

Topic 5: Payment Cards

  • Evolution of Payments Cards
  • Card Schemes
  • Payment Card Types
  • Payments Card Value Chain
  • Regulatory Issues

Topic 6: Credit Cards

  • Revenue Model
  • Credit Card Approval
  • Credit Card Operations
  • Product Design
  • Marketing
  • Regulation

Topic 7: Cards & Payment Programs

  • Appeal of a Payments Program
  • Basics of a Cards Program
  • Marketing
  • Operations

Topic 8: Merchant Services

  • Merchant Acquirers
  • Merchant Acquiring
  • Merchant Acquiring Operations
  • Value-Added Services

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