Mathematical Skills for Financial Professionals

  • Level: Intermediate 
  • Duration: 8.4 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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Learn the fundamental mathematical formulas and calculations required in banking and finance, including how to make use of Excel to perform these calculations.

  • This course is only suitable for desktop use.

Course Outline

This course contains some of the key building blocks for financial markets, covering a number of mathematical and statistical concepts that are imperative for comprehending the pricing and valuation of many instruments as well as various portfolio management concepts.
The course makes significant use of video-based training and interactive spreadsheet exercises to show the value of Microsoft Excel when it comes to performing calculations associated with these mathematical and statistical concepts. Excel-based videos focus on specific practical and job-related tasks, such as estimating volatility, measuring correlation, or performing a regression analysis. Learners then practice the Excel functions and calculations themselves within an attached Excel worksheet, applying their newly-acquired knowledge and skills via questions and exercises.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: Indices, Exponents & Logs

  • Indices
  • Natural Exponential Function
  • Logs

Topic 2: Logs - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 3: Mean, Median, & Mode - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 4: Probability

  • Principles of Probability
  • Types of Probability
  • Expected Value of a Random Variable

Topic 5: Distributions

  • Random Variables & Simple Distributions
  • Continuous Distribution
  • Other Continuous Probability Distributions
  • Hypothesis Testing & Confidence Levels

Topic 6: Normal Distribution - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 7: Skewness & Kurtosis - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 8: Volatility Estimation

  • Introduction to Volatility
  • Approaches to Volatility Estimation

Topic 9: Volatility - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 10: Correlation Analysis

  • Calculating Correlation
  • Use of the Correlation Coefficient in Practice

Topic 11: Correlation & Covariance - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 12: Regression Analysis

  • Uses of Regression Analysis
  • Regression Analysis Calculations

Topic 13: Regression Analysis - Excel Interactive

  • Excel Tutorial

Topic 14: Calculus - Differentiation

  • Linear & Nonlinear Functions
  • Rules of Differentiation
  • Uses of Differentiation

Topic 15: Calculus - Integration

  • Indefinite Integrals
  • Definite Integrals
  • Improper Integrals 
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  End each tutorial with a short, graded test designed to enhance knowledge retention.
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