Market Fundamentals

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 6.4 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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This course describes the major financial markets and products, including equities (stocks), bonds, short-term (money market) instruments, foreign exchange (FX), and derivatives.

  • This course is only suitable for desktop use.

Course Outline

Describe the major financial markets and products, including equities (stocks), bonds, short-term (money market) instruments, foreign exchange (FX), and derivatives.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: Financial Markets - An Introduction

  • Financial Markets
  • Funding Markets
  • Transactional Markets
  • Risk Management Markets
  • Financial Market Participants
  • Marketplace Characteristics

Topic 2: Money Markets - An Introduction

  • What are Money Markets?
  • Interbank Lending
  • Repurchase Agreements (Repos)
  • Federal Reserve Requirements & Fed Funds
  • Treasury Bills
  • Certificates of Deposit & Commercial Paper
  • Other Key Money Market Products
  • Risks in Money Markets

Topic 3: Foreign Exchange (FX) Markets - An Introduction

  • Need for FX Market
  • Overview of FX Market
  • Uses of the FX Market
  • World Currencies
  • Exchange Rate Systems
  • Currency Union/Areas

Topic 4: Bond Markets - An Introduction

  • Overview
  • Key Features of Bonds
  • Yield
  • Liquidity
  • Bond Formats
  • Settlement
  • Issuers & Investors

Topic 5: Equity Markets - An Introduction

  • Equity Markets
  • Dividends
  • Common Stock
  • Preferred Stock & Other Equity Types
  • Stock Exchanges
  • Algorithmic Trading & HFT
  • Orders
  • Equity Metrics & Ratios

Topic 6: Derivatives - An Introduction

  • Overview of Derivatives
  • Types of Derivatives
  • Swaps
  • Uses of Derivatives
  • Settlement
  • Exchange-Traded & OTC Derivatives
  • Clearing

Topic 7: Derivatives - Markets

  • Marketplaces
  • Financial & Nonfinancial Assets
  • Derivatives Strategies
  • Embedded Derivatives
  • Linear & Nonlinear Products

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