Life of a Trade

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 6.1 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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Recognize why a deeper understanding of trading requires understanding the entire trade lifecycle, from pre-trade activities and trade execution through clearing and settlement and ongoing position and risk management.

  • This course is only suitable for desktop use.

Course Outline

The life of a trade does not begin and end with the simple exchange of securities and cash between two counterparties. Instead, a trade’s lifecycle is a multistage process, requiring significant planning and follow-up. The various procedures required at each stage of a trade’s lifecycle can involve numerous intermediaries and systems in addition to the direct counterparties to the trade. A deeper understanding of the trade lifecycle therefore requires some knowledge of these procedures, the entities that facilitate them, and how they relate to and interact with one another.

This course describes the stages of the trade lifecycle in detail, covering topics such as client onboarding and pre-trade planning, trade execution and trade capture, trade clearing and settlement, and post-trade position management. The course also includes an interactive scenario that shows much of the trade lifecycle in action, exploring how some of the concepts, entities, and systems are used and interact with one another in practice.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: An Introduction

  • Overview of the Trade Lifecycle
  • Asset Classes & Products
  • Market Participants & Developments

Topic 2: Pre-Trade

  • Client Onboarding
  • Pre-Trade Planning

Topic 3: Execution

  • Trade Execution Systems
  • Order Creation, Order Routing, & Trade Execution

Topic 4: Clearing & Settlement

  • Overview of Trade Clearing & Settlement
  • Trade Clearing
  • Trade Settlement

Topic 5: Ongoing Position & Risk Management

  • Ongoing Position Management
  • Post-Trade Transaction Cost Analysis
  • P&L & Risk Reporting

Topic 6: AI Applications - Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)

  • TCA Overview
  • TCA in Action

Topic 7: Scenario

  • Life of a Trade - Scenario

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