Fintech - An Introduction

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Access: 1 Year
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As Fintech innovations spread to all corners of the financial industry, they are having a significant impact on competition, jobs, markets, customer experiences, and more. This free course provides an overview of Fintech, exploring its definition, goals, key technologies, and impacts.  

This course is suitable for desktop, tablet & mobile use.

Course Outline

Developments in financial technologies have spurred the emergence of a new industry dedicated to using these tools to disrupt and improve finance. From blockchain to artificial intelligence (AI) to the Internet of Things (IoT), FinTech is revolutionizing the business of finance. As FinTech innovations spread to all corners of the financial industry, they are having a significant impact on competition, jobs, markets, customer experiences, and more. This course provides an overview of FinTech, exploring its definition, goals, key technologies, and impacts.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: Fintech - An Introduction

  • Fintech Overview
  • Key Technologies
  • Impact & Outlook
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Gain Industry Knowledge and a Certification

 Test your knowledge throughout each tutorial with
regular review questions
  End each tutorial with a short, graded test designed to enhance knowledge retention.
  Gain a shareable professional certification.

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