Financial Statement Analysis

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 8.5 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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This Financial Statement Analysis course describes the basic principles of accounting and the structure and analysis of the main financial statements.

  • This course is suitable for desktop and mobile use.

Course Outline

Accounting is the process of identifying, recording, and reporting financial information on a particular company to interested parties. The main way of communicating this information is through financial statements such as the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows statement. Information on all aspects of a company's performance, liquidity, and financial position can be gleaned from these statements.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: Accounting - An Introduction

  • Producing & Using Accounting Information
  • Financial Statements
  • Accounting Concepts, Conventions, & Standards

Topic 2: Accounting Mechanics - Scenario

  • This scenario looks at the dual effect principle of accounting

Topic 3: Balance Sheet - An Introduction

  • Balance Sheet Presentation
  • IFRS Balance Sheet Example
  • US GAAP Balance Sheet Example
  • Balance Sheet Accounting Policies

Topic 4: Balance Sheet - Analysis

  • Balance Sheet Analysis

Topic 5: Income Statement - An Introduction

  • Income Statement Elements & Presentation
  • Income Statement & Accounting Policies

Topic 6:  Income Statement - Analysis

  • Analyzing the Income Statement
  • Other Key Performance Measures

Topic 7: Statement of Cash Flows - An Introduction

  • Overview of the Statement of Cash Flows
  • Format of the Statement of Cash Flows
  • Determining Cash from Operating Activities

Topic 8: Statement of Cash Flows - Analysis

  • Analyzing the Statement of Cash flows
  • Cash Flow Metrics

Topic 9: Three Statement Modelling

  • The Three-Statement Model

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