Equity Valuation & Analysis

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 4.5 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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In this course, you will learn the processes, frameworks, techniques, and models that analysts use when assessing and valuing equity securities.

  • This course is only suitable for desktop use.

Course Outline

This course focuses on equity valuation and analysis, covering topics such as:

  • The different types of equity value (market value, book value, and intrinsic value) and the relationship between them
  • The processes, frameworks, and techniques that equity analysts use to provide a comprehensive profile of the nonfinancial factors that impact a stock’s valuation
  • The various measures that investors use when making decisions about equity securities
  • The different types of equity valuation model used to estimate intrinsic value, namely present value models, multiplier value models, and asset-based value models

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: Equity Valuation

  • Types of Equity Value
  • Required Rate of Return
  • Risk & Return
  • Equity Valuation Models

Topic 2: Industry & Company Analysis

  • Identifying Peer Companies
  • External & Industry Analysis
  • Industry Lifecycle Analysis
  • Internal Company Analysis

Topic 3: Equity Returns Analysis

  • Measuring Equity Returns
  • Measuring Equity Risk
  • Analysing Stock Betas

Topic 4: Equity Valuation - DCF Models

  • Types of Model
  • Dividend Discount Models
  • Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) Models

Topic 5: Equity Valuation - Other Methods

  • Comparable Multiple Valuation Models
  • Asset-Based Valuation Models
  • Residual Income Valuation Models

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