Corporate Valuation

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 6 hours  
  • Access: 1 Year
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In this course, you will learn the most common techniques that investment bankers employ to arrive at a start-point in the value negotiation.

  • This course is suitable for desktop and mobile use.

Course Outline

How much is a company worth? This is the fundamental question that many analysts operating in financial markets seek to answer. For such analysts, the key question that they have to address is "what is value?”. This course describes common techniques that financial analysts employ to arrive at a start-point in the value negotiation.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: An Introduction

  • Corporate Valuation: Overview
  • Basics of Corporate Valuation
  • Valuation Metrics
  • Relative Valuations
  • Absolute Valuations

Topic 2: DCF Analysis

  • Discounted Cash Flows (DCF)
  • Basics of DCF Valuation
  • Forecasting Unlevered Free Cash Flows
  • Calculating Terminal Value
  • Discounting Cash Flows Using the WACC
  • Calculating an Implied Share Price

Topic 3: LBO Analysis

  • Overview of LBO Analysis
  • Profiting from LBO Deals
  • Basics of LBO Deals
  • Anatomy of an LBO Model

Topic 4: Merger Analysis

  • Overview of Merger Analysis
  • Upfront Analysis
  • Financing a Merger
  • Consolidation Accounting
  • Key Merger Model Outputs

Topic 5: Trading Comparables

  • Trading Comparables
  • Basics of Trading Comparables
  • Identifying the Comparables Universe
  • Inputting the Financials
  • Deriving a Valuation Range

Topic 6: Transaction Comparables

  • Transaction Comparables
  • Determining a Deal List
  • Calculating Deal Premiums
  • Calculating & Analyzing Deal Values
  • Deriving a Valuation Range

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